I’m a 26 year old PhD Student at the IT University of Copenhagen. I study seeming intelligence and reasoning in AI systems, currently with a focus on large language models. I additionally enjoy studying complex social dynamics, machine learning, and behavioral neuroscience. Please reach out if you’re interested in a chat or potential collaborations.


PhD Student, Computer Science Dept., IT-University of Copenhagen (2024 - 2027 (expected))

MSc. Data Science, IT-University of Copenhagen (2022 – 2024)

Erasmus Exchange, Politecnico di Milano (2023 – 2024)

BSc. Cognitive Science, Aarhus University (2018 – 2021)

Work Experience

Teaching Assistant, Advanced Machine Learning, IT-University of Copenhagen (2024)

Data Scientist, Nexcom A/S (2022 – 2023)

Research Assistant, Interacting Minds Center (2021 – 2022)

Student Researcher, Institute of Political Science (2020 – 2021)

Research Assistant, Cognition and Behavior Labs (2019 – 2020)
